Frequently Asked Questions
Streaming on Moonbeam
Get started with streaming and managing your team.
How to Stream
To stream on Moonbeam, you need the streamer role in the Realm you want to stream to. Everything you need is found on the creator dashboard, accessed through the video icon above your profile picture.
Supported streaming specifications:
- Resolution: up to 1080p
- FPS: 60
- Bitrate: up to 8.5Mbps
Stream Clients
As long as your client supports RTMP streaming, you can use it to stream to Moonbeam! A few streaming clients we have used include OBS, Restream, and StreamYard.
A team is all of the members that contribute towards the same stream and is often made up of streamers and moderators. You can add people to your team through the "Team" tab of the creator dashboard and set up a residual split before each stream.